Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Bento Boxes

This can get as complicated or remain as simple as you like. One advantage to a properly packed Bento box is it can be put in a backpack instead of carried separately like a more traditional lunch box.

There is a huge array of "proper" Bento boxes out there, more on that in another post but keeping it simple, even good ol' Tupperware has something to contribute.

Or, if you catch the bug and want to pack you OWN Bento lunches, grown-up style, there is always the Plastica set featured in Oprah's magazine:
Both of these make sense, the Tupperware is elegant in its simplicity, the Plastica set is simply elegant. Half of the fun of Bento - at least to my mind - is that is not only appropriate but actually expected that it will be kitchy and which case you may want to go with something more like this:

1 comment:

Coffee and Vanilla said...


Beautiful bentos! :)
I still did not get proper one. For now we are using regular lunchboxes and lunchbox bag, plus I ordered some cute little things for bentos... still awaiting them... I'm very new to all this bento thing, that is why I started Wholesome Lunchbox event, to learn more about preparing lunches and see what others making :)
Thank you for linking to me, I placed link back to your site on my link page.

Have a great day, Margot